有斐斎 弘道館
Tea ceremony
Yuuhisai Koudoukan
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Truly experience Spring and Japan in this special location with a Tea Ceremony designed to complement M le magazine du Monde’s Nature in Tokyo exhibition. This special after hours event will be something to remember.
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untitled, 2012 © Rinko Kawauchi
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© 2014 Naoyuki Ogino
- 参加費: 3000円
定員: 30人
有斐斎 弘道館まで直接ご連絡ください
TEL: 075-441-6662
E-mail: kouza@kodo-kan.com
- Fee: 3000 yen
Reservations: Yes (30 Max)
For reservations contact to Yuhisai Kodo-kan directly:
E-mail: kouza@kodo-kan.com
Please provide your name, phone number and email address when making a reservation.
Once we receive your reservation we will send you a conformation via email.
『M / ル・モンド』/「ネイチャー・イン・トーキョー」と茶人太田宗達のコラボレーションによるお茶会。閉館後に開かれる、春の思い出に残るお茶会へどうぞ足をお運びください。